ASCE Associated Events
ASCE’s sponsorship of other Conferences, Lectures, workshops and other activities
2010 – 2014
2012 AEA Conference

2012 AEA Conference

2005 – 2009
During 2008 two events on Cuba were sponsored by ASCE in Washington, D.C. Architect Nicolás Quintana of Florida International University presented the FIU project on Havana and its Landscapes at the Woodrow Wilson Center in May. Jorge Sanguinetty and other international experts offered a commentary on the economic implications and on the urban planning perspective of the project. In addition, ASCE and the Inter-American Dialogue together sponsored a seminar at the Inter-American Dialogue chaired by Dan Erikson and Armando Linde on the report of the Creighton University Law School on the Resolution of Outstanding Property Claims betweenCuba and the United States.
In November, 2008, ASCE was able to hold two events in Spain for the first time. Several panels on economic issues were prepared for the IV International Congress on “Con Cuba en la Distancia” held in Valencia, Spain. The following week, a one-day seminar on Cuba was organized at the Casa de America in Madrid where some of the ASCE members that had participated in the Congress of Valencia were able to make presentations that were actively discussed and which received wide press coverage.
In September 2007, ASCE sponsored a session at the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) XXVII International Congress in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Armando Linde, Antonio Gayoso, Joaquin Pujol and Jorge Sanguinetty prepared papers for this occasion. They also profitedof the presence of a large delegation of Cuban scholars from the island to make contacts and comment on their presentations at the Conference.
In May 2006, ASCE and the Center for Latin American Studies of Georgetown University co-sponsored a lecture on “The Cuban Economy and Social Welfare after 15 Years of the Special Period.” by Carmelo Mesa Lago, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Economics and Latin American Studies at The University of Pittsburgh, in Washington, DC. There was also a book party at the end of the conference to introduce the book “Cuba’s Aborted Reforms” that Professor Mesa Lago has co-authored with Dr. Jorge Pérez López. The book was published in November 2005 by the University Press of Florida.
Two events were organized in San Juan, Puerto Rico in March, 2006: (1) a one day Conference on “ Cuba : Current Situation and Perspectives for the Future,” at the Hotel “El Convento;” and (2) a workshop on “Policies for a Transition in Cuba” at the Hotel Caribe Hilton in the context of the By-Annual Conference of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA).
In January 2005, a session of the Cuba Forum on “International Dimensions of Continuity and Change in Cuba” was organized by ASCE, and co-sponsored by the Cuban Research Institute of Florida International University. Presentations were made by a panel composed of JuanJosé Buitrago (Spanish Embassy), Daniel Erikson (Inter-American Dialogue), Damián Fernández (Cuban Research Institute), Jorge Pérez-López (ASCE), and Kevin Whitaker (Office of Cuban Affairs, US Department of State). Another session of the Cuba Forum was held in March 2005 with Dr. Frank Mora, from the National War College, speaking on “Will the Cuban Military Support Democracy.”
2000 – 2004
During 2004, ASCE organized, in collaboration with the Cuba Research Institute of Florida International University, a seriesof public lectures and discussions on topics related to Cuba at the Brookings Institution in Washington, DC under the tittle of “Cuban Forum.” The first of these sessions involved a presentation by Dr. Carmelo Mesa Lago, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Economics and Latin American Studies at the University of Pittsburg, on “Cuba’s Economy and Social Welfare in the 21st Century.”A second session involved a presentation by Ernesto Hernández-Catá, Adjunct Professor at the Paul Nitze School of Advanced International Studies of the Johns Hopkins University, on “Towards a Second Generation of Reforms in Cuba: Macroeconomic Policy and Enterprise Reform.”
1995 – 1999
In March 1999, ASCE co-sponsored a one-day workshop in Washington with the law firm of Shaw Pittman on “Internal and External Factors in Cuba’s Economic Transition”to conduct a dialogue over the initiatives of reform initiated by the Cuban Government and identify areas where additional research was needed. Two economists from research institutes in La Habana, Cuba, had been invited but the Cuban Government did not permit them to attend.
In June 1996, it co-sponsored a one-day workshop organized by the US-Cuba Business Council and the Council of the Americas in New York City on “Potential Opportunities and Development in a Free Market Cuba.”
In January 1996, ASCE co-sponsored a workshop organized by the Law Firm of Shaw, Pittman, Potts and Trowbridge on“Foreign Investment in Cuba.”
ASCE members also actively participated during 1995 on the discussions leading to a report on “A Road Map for Restructuring Future US Relations with Cuba” prepared by The Atlantic Council of the United States (a non-profit, non-partisan public policy center). The purpose of this project was to provide guidelines for US government officials and the US Congress for dealing with the many issues that may need to be addressed when and if decisions were made to restructure bilateral relations between the US and Cuba once Cuban leaders became committed to establishing a fully democratic system of government. As part of this project, a compendium was collected of all US laws, regulations, and policies that govern bilateral relations between the US and Cuba. The final report included proposed legislative guidelines for the US Congress once a process of restructuring normal relations is underway.
A workshop on “The Future of Economic Reform in Cuba” was organized by the law firm of Shaw, Pittman, Potts, and Trowbridge in April 1995, with extensive participation by ASCE members in this event. This occasion provided a forum for a thorough discussion of the new economic policy initiatives being considered and implemented by the Cuban government at that time and for an assessment of the results obtained. The workshop included presentations by two economists from Havana’s Center for the Study of the Americas (CEA), Julio Carranza and Pedro Monreal, who were proponents of reforms and discussed the then ongoing process of economic change in Cuba. These policies were commented on by five Cuban-American economists—Roger Betancourt, Ernesto Hernández Catá, Luis Locay, Jorge Pérez-López, and Jorge Sanguinetty—who identified what they perceived as flaws in both the changes implemented by Cuba at that time and in the reform proposals espoused by their Cuban colleagues.
In March 1995, members of ASCE organized a session on Cuban Economic and Legal Issues at the meetings of the Eastern Economic Association in New York City.
Members of ASCE participated in January 1995 in a one-day workshop on “Resolution of Property Claims in Cuba’s Transition” organized by the law firm of Shaw, Pittman, Potts and Trowbridge. The workshop featured presentations by experts on the legal and economic issues that will arise in attempting to settle the outstanding claims by U.S and Cuban nationals for the expropriation of their assets by the Cuban Government.
1991 – 1994
In December 1994 ASCE reproduced and circulated to its members (in Spanish and English) a monograph on “ Economic Transition in Cuba and its Implications for its Relations with Spain” by Dr. Carlos Solchaga, ex-Minister of Economics and Finance of Spain. Dr. Solchaga had visited Cuba on several occasions to provide economic advice to the Cuban Government and in that context had proposed a number of economic policy reforms.
In 1994, ASCE co-sponsored the workshop “Strategies for the First Year of Cuba’s Transition” organized at the Washington-based law firm of Shaw, Pittman, Potts and Trowbridge by Matías Travieso-Díaz. US Congressman Robert Menéndez (D-New Jersey), main sponsor of the “Free and Independent Cuba Assistance Act,” was the luncheon keynote speaker.
In April 1993, ASCE co-sponsored with the Washington-based law firm of Shaw, Pittman, Potts and Trowbridge a seminar on “Requirements for the Re-entry of US-Based Business into Cuba.” US Senator Robert Graham (D-Florida) was the Luncheon Speaker.
This seminar, which received ample coverage by the press, was attended by over 100 participants representing a wide gama of the Washington business, legal and political community.
In March 1993, members of ASCE organized one session on “The Relevance of Economic Analysis for Policy” at the Annual Meetings of the Eastern Economic Association in Washington, D.C.
ASCE sponsors sessions on Cuba at the Annual Meetings of the American Economic Association. It has done so every year since 1992.
A lecture on “Constitutional Reform in Eastern Europe and Its Implications” was given on March 1991 at Georgetown University by Dennis Mueller, Professor of Economics at the University of Maryland.
The first lecture organized by ASCE was in the fall of 1990 at Georgetown University. On that occasion Jorge Pérez-López presented a paper titled ” Sugar and the Cuban Economy: Implications after Thirty Years.”